Institute of Communication Studies (ICS)
ICS is an academic, nonprofit institution and a leading research organization in the field of journalism and media studies, public relations, and corporate communications. It was established in 2012 by the School for Journalism and Public Relations (SJPR). Since 2019, ICS and SJPR have consolidated their resources to make a vanguard education and research hub on communications and media at ICS. Their project for active citizenry has been acknowledged by the European Commission as one of the ten best media literacy projects in Europe in 2019.
ICS offers one-year and two-year master’s degrees in strategic communications, media management and multimedia. It is the only higher education institution in Macedonia that runs its own academic blog – Res Publica, which aims to encourage students, professors, civic activists, journalists, policymakers, and members of other communities to participate and debate on matters of public interest. Since 2023, ICS is a holder of a UNESCO Chair in Futures and Media Literacy.
ICS is also at the forefront of promoting media literacy (ML) among citizens in collaboration with media, civil society organizations, and academic and public institutions. It provides information, in-class and online educational courses and resources, and opportunities for effective and responsible use of media by all stakeholders. ICS introduced traditional annual activities and events, such as an awareness-raising campaign Fake News Week and a Media Literacy Day, during which it organizes online quizzes, informal thematic meetings among digital professionals, webinars, familiarization visits to media outlets for high-school students from across the country, “Find the News” workshops for high-school students, journalism students, pensioners, women rights activists, etc.