Erasmus + project “Master 4.1: Enhancing quality assurance and promotion of the
master craftsman exam”
Erasmus + Master 4.1 project is a continuation of the previous project Master 4.0, enabling Master craftsman occupation to enhance and improve the quality assurance of master craftsman exams. Master’s exam provides promotion in the occupation and advantage over the competition in the labor market and recognition in the project countries and European Union.
Inspired by the success of the previous project and results, we continue to upgrade the online platform for master’s exams, developing a methodology for exam programmes and catalogs with the European experience. The overall objective of the project “Master 4.1: Enhancing quality assurance and promotion of the master craftsman exam” is to improve programs and quality assurance processes in the master craftsman exam and raise awareness for master craftsman exams. Our main beneficiaries are the assessing committee with 150 representatives, VET students, and 100 craftsmen.
Our partner countries Croatia and Slovenia have long experience in conducting master craftsman, supporting us in this project in developing methodology, preparation of Code of Conduct, educative video, and webinars/trainings for assessing committee. With the support of our partner in North Macedonia, online training for digital marketing for chambers of crafts will be implemented in all partner countries.
The project coordinator is the Chamber of crafts Skopje implementing project activities together with the Croatian Chamber of Trades and Crafts (HOK) with Algebra University College from Croatia, the Chamber of Craft and Small Business of Slovenia, and the Institute of communication studies.
The duration of the project is 18 months, starting from the 1st of December 2022.
The overall amount of approved financial support from the National Agency for European educational programmes and mobility is 120.000 EUR.