Chamber of craft and Small Business of Slovenia (OZS) is an umbrella organisation comprising the craft and small business, chamber system jointly with 62 regional chambers of craft and small business. It provides for an equal role of regional chambers of craft and small business and offers full expert support and assistance to its members. It has more than 25,000 members. Chamber of Craft and Small Business represents the members’ interests before the government, informing members through Obrtnik magazine, internet and intranet beside others also about international and EU projects which can be of interest of our members. Last few year the Chamber has been involved in more than 15 EU funded projects, which have been related to different areas: training, VET, RES, EE, internationalisation, clustering, ect. Chamber of Craft and Small Business of Slovenia (OZS) is strongly connected with decisive national initial vocational education and training. As a Social Partner and (as one of) representative organisation of Employers and their interest in important part of Slovene Economy is performing several Public Authorisations in VET by national Vocational Training and Education Act and Act of Craft: monitoring places for practical part of initial VET, provided by employers, supporting and monitoring the process of practical part of VET, organising intermediate monitoring of gained practical part of VET and in cooperation with schools organising final exam in VET. Chamber as a social partner also propose Professional Standards as a base for VET programmes and Professional Qualifications according to national Professional Qualifications Act and Vocational Training and Education Act.